Friday, February 4, 2011

Winter, Winter, Winter

Here in Maine, as in much of the country, winter is upon us. Last winter was mild, with very little snow. This year, we're paying the piper. At least once a week, we're getting snowstorms that drop close to a foot of snow on top of us. Snowbanks are getting higher and higher and streets are getting narrower and narrower, as they run out of places to put the stuff. This morning, my car's thermometer registered -7. That's chilly.

But on Sunday, when I visited the beach in Scarborough, it was a balmy thirtyish, and people were taking advantage. Although for the most part, skies were cloudy and the sun was weak, everybody and his second cousin was at the beach. With their dogs. I never saw so many dogs in one place. Running, jumping, chasing, playing, or just calmly walking with their owners. There were even two people on horseback (with, of course, their faithful dog walking between them), riding down the sand toward Old Orchard. I took quite a few shots; of all those I took, this is one of my favorites. The tint of sky and water is real; the sun shining through the cloud cover bathed everything in a wonderful, golden glow. I was very glad I went; I almost didn't, because it was snowing like crazy when I left Augusta.

Winter is admittedly beautiful, and very photogenic, but I'm still longing for warmer days without three feet of snow.

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