Tuesday, November 16, 2010

In the Beginning

I set up this blog with no real idea of what I expected to accomplish with it. Over the years, I've worn many different hats: wife, mother, sister; daughter, grandmother, friend. Author, artist, jewelry maker. College student, office drone, lover of all things Boston (the city) and all things Bon Jovi (the music, the man). I've always been a firm believer that the road to true happiness can only be found by following one's bliss. But as the years have passed and I've flailed around, bouncing from one obsession to the next while I tried to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up, I've grown frustrated and discouraged because that bliss was so maddeningly elusive. Yet, in spite of the roller coaster of life, on one belief I've stood firm: whatever my bliss might turn out to be, it would involve some creative endeavor.

I'm still not sure what I want to be when I grow up. This troubles me a bit, to be still searching at an age when my friends are starting to retire. But it doesn't surprise me; I've always been the square peg that didn't fit into the round hole, and it doesn't look as though that's about to change. But I see an inkling of hope on the horizon: although my latest obsession is highly unlikely to turn into a career, it has become more and more evident to me that this bliss I've spent my entire adult life seeking might just have arrived in the form of photography.

Although I've been taking pictures since I got my first camera at the age of thirteen (a Polaroid Swinger...remember those things?), it wasn't until the last year that I began to actually study photography informally, and I recently bought my first DSLR. I'm still very much in student mode as I explore this new obsession. With this blog, I'm hoping to share my learning process with others who also suffer from the same obsession. Or maybe just with those people out there who simply like looking at photos. You know who you are. I hope some of you will find me and we can start a few discussions about photography, life, and anything else you want to talk about. This post is my maiden voyage. Don't know what the trip will bring, but I'm ready for the ride.

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